ObdTunerPro information
ObdTunerPro is primarily developed for highly tuned engines but it also has some features which might be desirable for other engine set-ups. Like ObdTuner it can be used with a fully original engine and can be adapted to new installed modifications along the way. All OEM protection, safety and error checks etc. are still fully operational but can be disabled if desired. If there is a catalytic converter installed the exhaust emissions will stay road legal.
ObdTunerPro is based on ObdTuner therefore ObdTunerPro has all the functionality ObdTuner has, only more. It also has the same look and feel so people who already did use ObdTuner will feel right at home when using ObdTunerPro.
There are a number of extra features like full wideband fuel control. With wideband fuel control enabled the ECU will use the input of an added wideband controller to correct the fuel mixture. This will give better fuel control especially when the engine is constantly used at full power like during a track day or a race. The wideband controller will constantly be checked by the ECU and for easy diagnostics, error codes will be set should there be a problem. A problem with wideband control will also activate the engine control light and will switch back the ECU to OEM narrow band control.

Another new feature is the possibility to install two calibrations. It is possible to switch between the two calibrations while driving the car using an electrical switch. There is no PC or laptop needed to switch between calibrations. There are lots of uses like for instance monitoring a water injection system and select a safe calibration should the water injection system fail or run out of water. Because it is possible to modify the throttle response independently in both calibrations one can have an aggressive calibration and one more smooth calibration for rainy conditions. Or optimizing one calibration for special track day fuel and one for normal day to day fuel, therefore all tables are independently programmable for both calibrations.
For a more detailed comparison between ObdTuner versus ObdTunerPro have a look at the overview page on this site.
To get an idea about the ObdTunerPro user interface have a look at the screen shots below.
Some ObdTunerPro screen shots
All values in the screen shots below, except the notes and engine set up tabs, are live programmable. This means, when ObdTuner is connected with the car, changing a value will also change the corresponding value in the ECU. This can be very handy, for instance; changing the throttle response can be done while driving, and you will get instant feedback.
General tab
This is the start-up screen, here you can enter session information, take a look at the long term and wideband fuel trims and see if there are error codes set.

Engine set up tab
Here engine set up parameters can be configured like the installed injector type etc. These settings are the same for both calibrations.

Below some screen shots from the calibration tabs
All tabs visible in the screenshots below are independently programmable and available in both calibrations so both calibrations have the same resolution and can be programmed in great detail.
There also is an interpolation mode available which is necessary when the software is used for a bi-fuel set up. For more information on this have a look at the manual which can be downloaded under the download menu.
Settings tab
Here the calibration depending settings can be configured. This means it is possible to have two different rpm limiter settings or two different fan kick in temperatures or to have OEM protection active in one calibration and of in the other.

Starting tab
This tab contains the programmable starting and open loop warm up parameters. These settings are very useful when using fuel containing much alcohol like E85 which does have a total different start and warm up behaviour.

Idling tab
Here the idling settings like idle rpm, idle ignition advance and fuel quantity can be configured.

Idling more tab
It is also possible to modify the idle control, the ECU uses ignition advance, air to fuel ratio and the throttle valve position to get a stable idle. These values can be modified to get a more stable idle especially useful when fast cams are installed.

Fuel tab
This is the main fuel table, it can be programmed up to 8580rpm. The maximum boost can be configured on the engine set-up tab and is only limited to the range of the installed MAP sensor. In this case the pressure range is programmed from 10 to 200kPa (2.0bar)

Fuel more tab
Here the desired lambda value can be programmed, when a wideband controller is installed the lambda values will be actively controlled by the wideband sensor.
It is also possible to program coolant temperature and intake air temperature depending lambda corrections.

Ignition tab
This is the main ignition table, here the ignition can be adapted to the engine set-up.

Ignition more tab
On this tab ignition corrections depending on coolant and intake air temperatures can be programmed. Also the ignition advance when the engine returns to idle can be modified, this can give a more smooth return to idle rpm and can be necessary when race cams are installed.

Throttle tab
Here the relation between throttle pedal and throttle fly position can be modified. Modifying these settings can give a total different feel to the engine response. It can be programmed to feel aggressive or not just what you prefer. For most throttle valves there are predefined settings available.

Transient tab
If the engine is not responding instantly when pushing the throttle pedal it most often is because the fuelling under transient conditions is not spot on, this tab is the place for optimizing this.

Knock tab
The original ECU software has a very good knock detection system but in some situations the system can be to aggressive. For instance with fast cams the mechanical sounds of the valve mechanism can make the ECU think there is knock and it will retard the ignition but in reality there is no knock. On this tab it is possible to tell the ECU to be less aggressive in the range where this happens.

Extra hardware tab
It is possible to control some extra hardware like a second fuel pump or a water injection system. This tab contains the necessary settings including coolant and intake air temperature relating corrections.

Special tabs
When logging, fuel learning or power measurement are activated some extra tabs are visible under the general tab. find below some screenshots.
Logging tab
It is possible to make a log while driving the car, this log contains the data from all the sensors not only the ones selected. A log file can be a very big help when solving a problem or when fine tuning the calibration. A snap shot of ll sensors is logged about 3 times per second.

Learning tab
There are a number of learning modes available, for instance it is possible to let the ECU calculate the necessary corrections and optimize the fuel tables.

Power measurement tab
The ECU can be set in power measurement mode, this way it is very easy to make a power run. When the weather data, vehicle weight, etc is configured correctly it will produce very consistent figures.

For a more detailed description of certain functions have a look at the software manual which can be downloaded in the download section.